第一部分:下列各題(題號 1 -18) ,請依據題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。
1. |
Look at the shopping list. What is the girl going to buy? |
(A) Bread. |
(B) Fast food. |

(C) Fruit. |
(D) Snack. |
看採購清單。 這個女孩要買什麼? |
(A)麵包 |
(B) 速食 |
(C)水果 |
(D) 點心 |
答:C |
(採購清單上面寫的是:10 個蘋果、一些橘子、5 個檸檬、一些香蕉) |
2. |
My sister was very ___ with me because I broke her new pencil box. |
(A) popular |
C) honest |
(B) shy |
(D) angry |
我姊姊對我非常 ___ 因為我打破了她的新鉛筆盒。 |
(A) 受歡迎的 |
(C) 誠實 |
(B) 害羞 |
(D)生氣 |
答:D |
3. |
I was not home when the brought the package, so I'll have to get it myself at the post office. |
(A) bus driver |
(B) mail carrier |
(C) police officer |
(D) shopkeeper |
我不在家,當 帶來包裹,所以我必須親自到郵局去拿。 |
(A) 公車司機 |
(B) 郵差 |
(C) 警察 |
(D) 店員 |
答:B |
4. |
Mrs. Smith _____ the movie very much. She has seen it three times. |
(A) liked |
(B) likes |
(C) has liked |
(D) will like |
Smith 女士非常 ___ 這部電影。她至目前為止已經看了三次。 |
答:B |
Mrs. Smith likes the movie very much. She has seen it three times. |
5. |
Ted was still very weak when he left the hospital. But after a week's , he felt much better and went back to work |
(A) rest |
(B) study |
(C) talk |
(D) trip |
Ted 離開醫院的時候仍然很虛弱。但是經過一個星期的 ,他感到好多了回去工作了。 |
(A) 休息 |
(B) 讀書 |
(C)談話 |
(D) 旅行 |
答:A |
6. |
Betty goes jogging every day in the park, and Allen , too. |
(A) is |
(B) does |
(C) has |
(D) was |
Betty 每天都在公園中慢跑,Allen 也是一樣 做_。 |
答:B |
goes 是動詞,所以後面重複的動詞要用 do 來替代;
Allen 是第三人稱單數所以要 用 does (文法書p.54) |
7. |
Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily. |
(A) Because |
(B) If |
(C) Though |
(D) When |
Joe 看起來強壯,實際上他容易生病。 |
(A) 因為 |
(B)假如 |
(C)雖然 |
(D)當…時候 |
答:C |
Though Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily. |
8. |
Now we have to take a taxi home because are no buses after eleven o'clock. |
(A) here |
(B) there |
(C) they |
(D) we |
我們現在必須搭計程車回家,因為 11 點以後沒公車了 |
答:B |
Now we have to take a taxi home because there are no buses after eleven o'clock. |
副詞there 的倒裝用法,請參見文法書p.346 |
9. |
If the weather is fine this weekend, my family to the beach for two days. |
(A) go |
(B) went |
(C) have gone |
(D) will go |
假如這個週末天氣好的話,我們家 去海邊 2 天。 |
答:D |
本句是一個陳述語氣的條件句(文法書p.105),未來式 will go 表是將會去作什麼 |
10. |
Studying in a foreign country me a lot of money. That's why I had to sell my apartment. |
(A) cost |
(B) lost |
(C) made |
(D) spent |
在國外讀書 我一大筆錢。這也就是我必須把公寓賣掉的原因。 |
(A) 花費 |
(B) 遺失 |
(C) 做 |
(D) 花掉 |
答:A |
(cost 是有成本概念的支出;本句是過去式,cost 的過去式和現在式同型) |
11. |
You should think before taking the job; don’t do it just for fun. |
(A) happily |
(B) proudly |
(C) quickly |
(D) seriously |
在擔任這個工作之前,你應該 想一下;不要只是為了好玩而去作。 |
(A) 快樂地 |
(B)驕傲地 |
(C) 迅速地 |
(D) 認真地 |
答:D |
12. |
Alice learned from the TV news __ Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day. |
(A) that |
(B) where |
(C) which |
(D) whether |
Alice 從電視新聞得知 Nora Jones 將會於次日抵達台灣。 |
答:A |
Alice learned from the TV news that Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day. |
關係代名詞 that (文法書 p.219)所帶領的從屬形容詞子句 that Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day是修飾先行詞 news |
13. |
The weather is going to be really , so I don’t think you should take a heavy coat on your trip. |
(A) clear but windy |
(B) cold but dry |
(B) cold but dry |
(D) hot and sunny |
天氣將會非常的 ,所以你的旅行我不認為你應該帶大衣。 |
(A) 晴朗但風大 |
(B) 冷但乾燥 |
(C) 冷且潮濕 |
(D) 熱而且有陽光 |
答:D |
14. |
Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle ___ him on his birthday. |
(A) gives |
(B) gave |
(C) to give |
(D) has given |
Tommy 正在找他叔叔在他生日送給他的手錶。 |
(A) gives |
(B) gave |
(C) to give |
(D) has given |
答:B |
Tommy is looking for the watch (that) his uncle gave him on his birthday. |
在他生日 on his birthday 送的,表示過去發生的事情,要用過去式 gave;(文法書p.72) |
15. |
Kathy: |
your French class, Jerry? |
Jerry: |
I couldn't understand a word the first month, but it's getting better now. |
(A) How's |
(B) What's |
(C) When is |
(D) Which is |
Kathy: |
Kathy:你的法語課 , Jerry? |
Jerry: |
第一個月我一個字都不懂,但是現在好多了。 |
16. |
Lucy: |
Do you think Sally and Martin should get married? |
Rose: |
Why not? They love each other, ? |
(A) will they |
(B) won't they |
(C) do they |
(D) don't they |
Lucy: |
妳認為 Sally and Martin 應該結婚嗎? |
Rose: |
為什麼不能? 他們相愛, ? |
答:D |
love是動詞,沒有助動詞,所以附加問句(文法書p.110)要用助動詞do |
17. |
Amy: |
Would you like some coffee? |
Bill: |
No, thanks. I ____ drink coffee. Coffee hurts my stomach. |
(A) almost |
(B) already |
(C) seldom |
(D) still |
Amy: |
你要不要來杯咖啡? |
Bill: |
不,謝謝了。我 ______喝了咖啡。咖啡傷我的胃。 |
(A) 幾乎 |
(B) 已經 |
(C) 很少 |
(D) 仍然 |
答:C |
副詞 seldom 是表示幾乎沒有,請參見文法書 p.311 |
18. |
Sam: |
Sorry, I'm late. |
Ben: |
Here you are! I waited for you for one hour and ______ you wouldn’t come. |
(A) forgot |
(B) found |
(C) noticed |
(D) thought |
Sam: |
抱歉,我來晚了。 |
Ben: |
你來了喔!我等你一個小時,我 你不來了。 |
(A) 忘記 |
(B) 找到 |
(C) 注意 |
(D) 以為 |
答:D |
thought 是 think 的過去式,表示以為、認為 |
第二部分:下列十一個題組,共有 27 題(題號 19 - 45) ,請依據選文或所附圖表資料,選出 一個正確或最佳的答案。
(1 9 - 21)
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 24 |
Weather: sunny |
This evening before dinner, Mon asked Kevin to go to the supermarket to buy some eggs. He _19_ my jacket without asking me first. When he was putting his keys into the jacket, he found some cigarettes and showed them to Mom and Dad.
Both of them were very surprised.
They said smoking was bad for my health. I told them that I just tried it once. In fact, I did not like it at all. I promised I _20_ again.
Right now my mouth _21_ quite dry, and the smell of smoke is still in my hair and clothes. I think I need a lot of water and a hot bath. |
今天早上早餐前,媽告訴Keven去超級市場買些雞蛋。他 _穿上19_ 我的夾克,沒有事先問我。當他把鑰匙放進夾克裡,他發現了一些香煙,就拿給爸媽看了。
他們二位非常驚訝。他們說抽煙對我的健康不好。我告訴他們我只試過一次。事實上,我並不喜歡香煙。我答應(他們),我 _將不會再抽菸20_ 。
現在我的嘴巴 _感覺21_ 很乾,而且煙味仍然在我的頭髮和衣服裡。我想我需要喝很多的水和洗一個 熱水澡。
19. |
(A) put on |
(B) is putting on |
(C) has put on |
(D) would put on |
答:A |
這是一個日記,記述過去發生的事情,動詞要用過去式,本句 put 是過去式;
put 過去式和現在式同型 |
20. |
(A) am never smoking |
(B) never smoked |
(C) have never smoked |
(D) would never smoke |
答:D |
表示一種意願、喜歡、頃向,不論人稱皆可用 would ,請參見文法書 p.86 |
21. |
(A) feels |
(B) felt |
(C) was feeling |
(D) will feel |
答:A |
這篇日記前面都是在記述過去發生的事情,要用過去式。一直到這一段 Right now my mouth feels quite dry, and the smell of smoke is still in my hair and clothes.表示作者現在正在寫日記的感覺。主詞 mouth 是第三人稱單數,動詞字尾要加 s 或 es (文法書 p.54) |
(22 - 24)
Before I was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains. Our house was very far from my school. It took me one hour to walk to school every morning. It was a happy time for me, because I could _22_, and we would go to school together. There were just six classes in my school, and only about ten students in each class. We _23_; the mountains were our playground. I still remember the different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds, and the colors of trees in different seasons - everything was so _24_. Even now I still miss my life in the mountains.
我在 12 歲以前,我家住在山區。我們的房子距離我的學校很遠。我每天去學校要走一個鐘頭。 對我而言,這段時間很快樂,因為我可以 _ 22_ ,而且我們可以一起去學校。我們學校只有 6 個班級, 而且每班約只有 10 人。我們 _23_ ;這個山區是我們玩耍的地方。 我仍然記得許多種不同的花,不同 的鳥不同的啼聲,還有不同的季節樹木不同的顏色 – 每件事情是如此的 _24_ 。即使到現在我仍然懷念 山區的日子。
22. |
(A) sing loudly to myself |
(B) exercise under the trees |
(C) meet friends on the way |
(D) play in the cool mountain springs |
(A) 自己唱歌唱的很大聲 |
(B) 在樹底下作運動 |
(C) 在路上遇到朋友 |
(D) 在山中涼爽的春天玩耍 |
23. |
(A) spent most of our time playing |
(B) went shopping together after school |
(C) had to study at school until very late |
(D) played computer games all day long |
(A) 我們大部分的時間用在玩耍 |
(B) 放學後一起去購物 |
(C) 在學校讀書到很晚 |
(D) 整天打電腦遊戲 |
24. |
(A) fast and busy |
(B) cheap and common |
(C) modern and convenient |
(D) interesting and beautiful |
(A) 快又忙 |
(B) 便宜又普通 |
(C) 現代又方便 |
(D) 有趣又美麗 |
(25 - 26)
Ren-jie: |
Hi, Dad, I’m back. |
Mr. Lin: |
How was school? |
Ren-jie: |
Not bad. We played basketball in PE class today. And guess what! You won't believe it! Our teacher Miss Chang, can play basketball really well! |
Mr. Lin: |
Miss Chang? Is her name Shu-zhen Chang? |
Ren-jie: |
Yes, it is. Do you know her? Is she famous? |
Mr. Lin: |
MORE than famous! When she was young, she was one of the best basketball players on the national team. Thanks to her, the team won many games.
You're so lucky to be her student! Hey, let’s go to the park, and you can show me what you learned in class! |
Ren-jie: |
No, I'm still afraid of that big basketball! |
Ren-jie: |
嗨!爸,我回來了。 |
林先生: |
學校怎麼樣? |
Ren-jie: |
還不錯。我們今天體育課打籃球。你猜發生了什麼事!你不會相信的。我的老師,張小姐, 籃球打的非常好! |
林先生: |
張小姐?她的名字是不是 Shu-Zhen Chang? |
Ren-jie: |
是的。你認識她?她很有名嗎? |
林先生: |
她非只是有名而已!當她年輕的時候,她是國家代表隊最佳球員之一。就是由於她,代表隊 贏了許多的比賽。你當她的學生實在很幸運!我們去公園吧,你可以將上課時學的露二手給 我看! |
Ren-jie: |
不要,我仍然怕那個大籃球。 |
25. |
Which is true about Miss Chang? |
(A) She is young and beautiful. |
(B) She was one of Mr. Lin's students. |
(C) She was a famous basketball player. |
(D) She helped her students win many games. |
(A) 她年輕又漂亮 |
(B) 她是 Mr. Lin 的一位學生 |
(C) 她以前是一位有名的籃球球員 |
(D) 她協助她的學生贏得許多的比賽 |
答:C |
26. |
What do we know about Ren-jie? |
(A) He is afraid of his PE teacher. |
(B) He cannot find his basketball |
(C) He cannot play basketball very well. |
(D) He wants to join the school basketball team. |
(A) 他害怕他的體育老師 |
(B) 他找不到他的籃球 |
(C) 他籃球打的不好 |
(D) 他想要參加學校籃球隊 |
答:C |
G. Brown 200 in Timeless City
To celebrate G. Brown's 200th birthday many bookstores have special sales in
November. Check these out!
* Book Station $150 for each book
* Favorite Books 3 books for $200
* Good Works Buy two, get one free
* Silver House $100 for any one of G. Brown's books
Writers talk about G. Brown at Silver House:
7:30 p.m. 11/10 What’s Special about G. Browns Books?
7:30 p.m. 11/15 How to Read G. Browns Books
7:30 p.m. 11/23 G. Brow in timeless City
7:30 p.m. 11/30 Ways of Life in the Time of G. Brown |
Timeless市紀念 G. Brown 200 周年
為了紀念G. Brown 200 周年,許多書店在 11 月都有特別促銷促銷。看看這些打折的書店!
* |
Book Stations 書店 |
每本$150 元 |
* |
Favorite Books 書店 |
3 本$200 元 |
* |
Good Works 書店 |
買 2 本送 1 本 |
* |
Silver House 書店 |
買任何 G. Brown 寫的書每本$100 元 |
在 Silver House 書店論壇留言者的留言:
7:30 p.m. 11/10 G. Brown 的書有何特點?
7:30 p.m. 11/15 如何閱讀 G. Brown 的書?
7:30 p.m. 11/23 G. Brown 在 Timeless City 的日子
7:30 p.m. 11/30 在 G. Brown 的時代 Timeless City 的生活方式
27. |
James bought three books in Favorite Books and three of Brown's books in SilverHouse during the special sales. How much did he pay? |
(A) $400. |
(B) $500. |
(C) $600. |
(D) $750. |
促銷期間 James 在 Favorite Books 買了三本書,在 Silver House 買了三本 Brown 的 書。他付了多少錢? |
28. |
Emily is interested in G. Brown's life story. She would like to know what happened to him when he lived in Timeless City. On which day would Emily join the talk? |
(A) 11/10. |
(B) 11/15. |
(C) 11/23. |
(D) 11/30. |
Emily 對 G. Brown 的人生有興趣。她想要知道他住在 Timeless City 的時候發生在他身上 的事情。 Emily 是在那一天發言的? |
答:C |
G. Brown 在 Timeless City 的日子,這段話應是 Emily 的發言 |
(29 - 30)
I was sitting by the window,
Lightly kissing my sleeping cat,
The half-finished coffee on the table,
The blowing fan on the wall,
The sweet music on the radio.
A little girl was riding a yellow bike,
Slowly passing by my window,
The light wind on her face,
The flying hair behind her ears,
The quiet lazy summer afternoon.
飛揚的頭髮掠 過她的耳後,
29. |
What is the tone of the reading? |
(A) It is exciting. |
(B) It is very sad. |
(C) It is easy and slow. |
(D) It is serious and worried. |
(A) 興奮 |
(B) 非常悲傷 |
(C) 輕鬆又散慢 |
(D) 嚴肅又擔心 |
答:C |
這個散文讀起來的感覺就是 easy and slow |
30. |
Which is NOT true about the writer? |
(A) He liked the music on the radio. |
(B) He was looking out from a window. |
(C) He wrote about a moment in summertime. |
(D) He was drinking coffee with the little girl. |
(A) 他喜愛收音機撥放的音樂 |
(B) 他從窗戶望出去 |
(C) 他寫夏日的一段時光 |
(D) 他和小女孩一起喝咖啡 |
答:D |
小女孩在騎腳踏車,不可能和他一起喝咖啡 |
(31 - 32)
JOYGO – the best way to get around in St. Dora!
With just one ticket you can visit as many places as you like
* Get on and off at any place
(airport, train station, shopping center, mountain park, beach…)
* Save money
* One free city map
* Comfortable and safe seats
* Friendly drivers to answer any question you may have
Every day 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. March to October
Buy our ticket now!
One-day ticket Only $100 for each person |
快樂走(JOYGO) – 在 St. Dora 市到處逛逛最好的方法
* 在任何地點都可以上下(get on and off)
* 省錢
* 免費 St. Dora 市地圖
* 舒適安全座椅
* 和藹的司機可回答你任何的問題
3 月至 10 月每天早上 10 時至下午 6 時
3 月至 10 月
一日票每人只售 100 元
(A) A bus. |
(B) A boat. |
(C) A plane. |
(D) A bicycle. |
(A) 公共汽車 |
(B) 船. |
(C) 飛機 |
(C) 飛機 |
答:A |
32. |
Who will most likely use JOYGO? |
(A) Karla. She is spending Christmas in St. Dora. |
(B) Wesley. He is taking a short trip to St. Dora in April. |
(C) Simon. He sells maps in the St. Dora airport every day. |
(D) Julie. She lives in St. Dora and enjoys going to the movies late at night. |
(A) Karla. 她在 St. Dora 過聖誕節。 |
(B) Wesley. 他在四月份到 St. Dora 短暫旅遊。 |
(C) Simon. 他每天在 St. Dora 機場賣地圖。 |
(D) Julie. 她住在 St. Dora,而且喜歡晚上去看電影。 |
答:B |
(33 - 35)
Here is Mark Lin's profile. Read it and answer the questions.
My name is Mark Lin. I was born on September 11, 1981. I enjoy music and movies a lot, and swimming is my favorite sport. Since I finished school, I have worked for six years at my parents' farm. I hope I can have my own business soon.
I love animals a lot: I have two dogs, four birds, and some fish at home.
They are my best friends. Of course, I enjoy being with people, too, but I have to spent a lot of time working and have not had much chance to meet people. I would really like to make some friends.
If you are interested, please write to me at marklin@xy.true.net. |
profile:個人簡介 |
這是 Mark Lin 的簡介。閱讀並回答問題。
我的名字是 Mark Lin。我生於 1981 年 11 月 11 日。我很喜歡音樂和電影,游泳是我最 喜歡的運動。我讀完書後,我在父母親的農場工作了 6 年。我希望我很快有我自己的事業。
我很喜歡動物:我有 2 隻狗,4 隻鳥和一些魚在家裡。它們是我最好的朋友。當然,我 也喜歡和人在一起,但是我必須花許多時間在工作上,沒有太多的機會去認識朋友。我很想 交一些朋友。
33. |
Why did Mark write this profile? |
(A) To make friends. |
(B) To look for a job. |
(B) To look for a job. |
(D) To give his pets away. |
(A) 為了交朋友 |
(B) 為了找工作 |
(C) 為了加入運動俱樂部 |
(D) 為了把他的寵物送人 |
答:A |
34. |
What does They mean in the profile? |
(A) Farm workers. |
(B) Mark's parents. |
(C) Music and movies. |
(D) Mark's dogs, birds, and fish. |
(A) 農場工人 |
(B) Mark的父母 |
(C) 音樂和電影 |
(D) Mark的狗、鳥和魚 |
答:D |
35. |
Which is true about Mark? |
(A) He is a student. |
(B) He enjoys swimming. |
(C) He is not interested in business. |
(D) He wants to be a writer in the future. |
(A) 他是一位學生 |
(B) 他喜歡游泳 |
(C) 他對生意沒有興趣 |
(D) 他未來想要成為作家 |
答:B |
(36 - 37)
Andy: |
Sara, I've heard that you just moved into a new house. |
Sara: |
Yes, finally. It took me a long time to decorate it. |
Andy: |
What's it like? |
Sara: |
Well, I have a small garden in the front, a blue kitchen, a yellow living room, a green bedroom for John and me, and a purple bedroom for our children. We are also painting another room orange for people who come to visit us. |
Andy: |
Wow, it sounds like a rainbow house. It must be a lot of fun to live in. |
Sara: |
Yes, it's our dream house. Hey, I am planning a party next Saturday. Can you come? |
Andy: |
I'd love to. But I have to check with Mary first. |
Sara: |
Sure, just let me know before next Wednesday. |
Andy: |
Sara, 我聽說妳剛搬進一棟新房子。 |
Sara: |
是的,終於搬了。我們花了好長的一段時間去裝修它。 |
Andy: |
它像什麼樣子? |
Sara: |
我們前面有一個小花園,一間藍色的廚房,一間黃色的客廳,一間給我和John的綠色 臥室,一間給我們小孩子的紫色臥室。我們也正在將另一個房間漆成橘色來招待訪客。 |
Andy: |
哇,聽起來像是一棟彩虹房子。住在裡面一定很好玩。 |
Sara: |
是的,它是我們理想的房子。嗨,我下一個星期六要辦一個聚會。你能來嗎? |
Andy: |
我想去。但是我必須要先問Mary。 |
Sara: |
當然,下個星期三以前告訴我就好了。 |
36. |
Which is true about Sara's house? |
(A) It is in the shape of a rainbow. |
(B) It has four bedrooms. |
(C) It has a big garden. |
(D) It is full of colors. |
(A) 它的型狀像彩虹 |
(B) 它有 4 間臥室 |
(C) 它有一個大花園 |
(D) 它充滿了各種顏色 |
答:D |
37. |
What does Sara mean by saying it’s our dream house? |
(A) The house often appears in her dreams. |
(B) She wants to have a party at her house. |
(C) She doesn't really own the house. |
(D) She loves her new house. |
Sara 說 it’s our dream house 是什麼意思? |
(A) 房子經常在夢中出現 |
(B) 她想要在她的房子辦一個聚會 |
(C) 她並沒有真正擁有這個房子 |
(D) 她喜歡她的新房子 |
答:D |
dream house 並不是作夢中夢到的房子;
dream house 是心目中理想的房子,當然 She loves her new house. |
(38 - 39)
Gary is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the
English class. Here is the way to play the game.
I. Get some pieces of paper that are cut into squares. Each square is for writing one letter only.
2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i.”
3. Next, take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the letter you have written, for example, "in” or "hi." Put the new word (written on the two squares) below the first square.
4. Then make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written.
Again, put the new word on the next line.
5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a "word house.” The person who builds the highest-word house in twenty minutes wins the game.
contain:包含 |
Gary 在英文課上,正在教他的學生玩一種叫作“Word House”的遊戲。下列是玩遊戲的方法。
1. 拿一些切成四方形的紙。一張紙只寫一個字母(letter)
2. 在一個方塊上寫一個字母。例如,寫上”i”。
3. 接下來,再拿 2 張紙。寫成一個有 2 個字母的單字(word),其中一個字母必須與第一張的相同。例 如:"in” 或 "hi"。將(二張紙上的)新字接著放在放在第一張紙之下
4. 接下來,寫成一個有 3 個字母的單字,包含 2 個字母必須是寫過的。再一次,將新字放在下一行。
5. 一直同樣的製造新字來製造一個"word house”。誰在 20 分鐘內建的房子最高誰就贏了。
38. |
What does a "word house" look like? |
39. |
Which is true about the game? |
(A) It is about spelling. |
(B) It is a computer game. |
(C) There have to be five people in the game. |
(D) Students have to write four words in twenty minutes. |
(A) 跟拼字有關 |
(B) 它是一個電腦遊戲 |
(C) 必須要有五個人才能玩遊戲 |
(D) 學生必須在 20 分鐘內寫 4 個字 |
答:A |
(40 - 42)
Dear friends,
Remember the small coffee shop we used to visit every day after school? Yes, it's Just Coffee - the best meeting place in town with its popular coffee and cheese cake. Next month the thirty-year-old coffee shop is going to close. It's sad that we have to say good-bye to our old friend. My wife and I are now planning to write a book about it. We will get together with our friends at the coffee shop next Friday afternoon and talk about how to write this book. A copy of the book will be given to everyone who loved the coffee shop. We will also send a copy to the owner of the coffee shop, Mrs. Peterson, as a way to show her our thanks. If you are interested in joining us, please come to the coffee shop at 2 o’clock. |
Best wishes,
Ron and Lisa |
owner:經營者 |
記得我們以前每天放學後常去的咖啡店嗎?是的,就是Just Coffee - 鎮裡最好的聚會地方,它有大家都喜歡的咖啡和奶酪蛋糕。下個月這家30年的老店將要關閉了。我們要向這位老朋友說再見是一件很難過的事情。我的太太和我計畫要寫一本關於它的書。我們將要和一些我們的朋友於下星期五下午在咖啡店一起討論如何寫這本書。這本書將會送給愛這家咖啡店的每一個人一本。我們也會送一本給這家咖啡店的老闆Mrs. Peterson 用以表示我們的感謝。如果你有興趣參加我們,請於2點鐘來咖啡店。 |
Ron and Lisa |
40. |
What is the letter written for? |
(A) To plan a birthday party. |
(B) To celebrate the opening of a coffee shop. |
(C) To ask people to help write a book together. |
(D) To share news about popular food and drinks. |
(A) 計劃一個生日聚會 |
(B) 慶祝一個咖啡店的開幕 |
(B) 慶祝一個咖啡店的開幕 |
(B) 慶祝一個咖啡店的開幕 |
答:C |
41. |
Which is NOT said in the letter? |
(A) Mrs. Peterson is moving to another place. |
(B) Just Coffee has been around for thirty years. |
(C) Many people enjoyed Just Coffee’s cheese cake. |
(D) Ron, Lisa and their friends are meeting together next Friday. |
(A) Mrs. Peterson 正要搬到其他的地方 |
(B) Just Coffee 營業了 30 年 |
(C) 許可人喜歡 Just Coffee 的乳酪蛋糕 |
(D) Ron, Lisa 和它們的朋友下個星期五要聚會 |
答:A |
42. |
What does our old friend mean in the letter? |
(A) The town. |
(B) The school |
(C) Just Coffee |
(D) Mrs. Peterson. |
(A) 鎮 |
(B) 學校 |
(B) 學校 |
Peterson太太 |
答:C |
(43 - 45)
Green PIan in Wonder City
Make new out of the old! |
Since 1996, Wonder City has started a green plan and has been greatly successful in many ways. Places that were not used anymore, like railways, factories, and open lands, have been changed and brought to new life. They have now become parks, restaurants, museums or shopping centers. They look fresh and clean with trees, flowers and pieces of art. OIde River, for example, is now a pink belt in the spring with born-to-smiles on both of its sides. They are beautiful and smell great. Many people take a walk or go bicycling along the banks of the river. Because of this plan, the city has become cleaner and younger. Every year in May, a big green festival is celebrated in Wonder City. People from other cities go to the festival to learn how to make their own cities more beautiful. |
Green Plan in Wonder City 奇異城的綠色計畫
Makes new out of Old 從舊翻新
自從 1996 年,奇異城(Wonder City)已經開始從事一項綠色計畫而且在各方面獲得了極大的成 功。有些沒有使用的地方,例如鐵路、工廠和空地都被改變帶來新的生命。它們現在變成了公園、餐
廳、博物館或購買中心。它們現在看起來新鮮乾淨充滿了樹木、花朵和藝術。例如這條 Olde River 河的二岸,在春天長滿了花,成了一條粉紅色彩帶。許多人在河岸散步或騎腳踏車。由於這項計畫, 這個城市變的年輕乾淨了。每年的 5 月,奇異城會舉辦一項慶祝活動。其他城市的人來參加活動、學 習如何也能使他們自己的城市更漂亮。
43. |
What is the reading about? |
(A) An art festival. |
(B) A vacation plan. |
(C) The change of a city. |
(D) The history of a river. |
(A) 一個藝術節慶 |
(B) 一個渡假計劃 |
(C) 一個城市的改變 |
(D) 一條河的歷史 |
答:C |
44. |
Which is NOT part of the plan? |
(A) Growing trees. |
(B) Building hotels. |
(C) Making use of art. |
(C) Making use of art. |
(A) 種樹 |
(B) 建旅館 |
(C) 利用藝術 |
(D) 利用關閉的工廠 |
答:B |
文中沒提到要蓋旅館,所有的建築應該是從舊翻新 |
45. |
What is a born-to-smile? born-to-smile 是什麼? |
(A) A belt. |
(B) A color. |
(C) A flower. |
(D) A piece of art. |
(A) 一條帶子 |
(B) 一個顏色. |
(C) 一種花 |
(D) 一件藝術品 |
答:C |
Olde River 這條河的兩岸 its two sides,in the spring 花開季節,They are beautiful and smell great,它們漂亮、聞起來香,所以 born-to-smile 應該就是花了 |
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